- If you have a tense meeting , Please do exercise before meeting, short exercise with the average amperage help alleviate mental stress . Dr. J-Carson Smith assistant of professor of movement science at the University of Maryland: " It will also make a stress reaction in the brain lost . You will feel the effect for about 15 minutes after exercise ." Do not need to do strong movement or make it difficult, you just walk up and down , breathing , bending body
- If difficulty sleeping, please apply appropriate exercise before bed. You can hear that serious practice before bed can cause difficulty sleeping. One new report of the National Sleep Foundation, even when training day or night all sleep easier than lazy exercise.
- Research shows that short Yoga exercise for sleep exercise 30 minutes can make quality for sleeping and sleep faster . Dr. Barbara Philips director of experiment department of University of Kentucky , this way is also safer than use sleep drug, not only to help sleepy well but at minimum reduce fatigue next morning .
- If you want to lose your weight , please do exercise before breakfast. Organic your ability to burn fat , the highest in the morning . According to this new study was announced on British Journal Nutrition Magazine , run at the morning before meals will burn fat more than 20 % in comparison with you eat breakfast before .According to British researchers , exercise not only leads to sweating but on an empty stomach burning excess fat , help reduce waist circle , dramatically reduce the amount of fat in the blood . Researchers said if you can not stand for hungry in the morning , you can eat bread slightly insulin before exercise.
- If you want motor hatpt, practiced night after a meal because the body temperature rose at the end of the day, so a higher for effective training. Slightly increased muscle strength, the ability to control and better movement and the amount of oxygen delivered to the muscles also increased
The Best Time For Doing Execise
Each human organ react with different training at the time each day . So choose appropriate exercise for yourselves . Here is the advice about the best time to exercise based on the which advantage that you want to achieve.
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