Monday, January 6, 2014

6:22 AM
Mr Seng Bunchhoeun Chief Fisheries Administrative Districts, Kampong Chhnang  Province and Mr Pum Sophal, Chief of Fisheries Administration Sangkat Kampong Leng, Controlling fishing yields along the river in the afternoon of January 6 , 2014 , and announced to citizens Please promptly flock Leisure based in while the fish are .

Chief Fisheries  Administrative Districts Province, Seng Bunchhoeun said that in this second khnaet Fish started 2 Kert,  MIKASE which is on 4 January , and the fish are mostly  3th type fo Fish for Leisure - based - Smoked .

Fishery kbaltouk Type 3 150 kg To 200 kg ( fish , fish fondue ) and from 1000 to 1200 , type 2 Fishermen can take from 30 kg To 50 kg ( fish chrakeng fish chhpen ) and from 1500 to 4000 , and No. 1 fish farmers can take from 10 kg To 20 kg per kbaltouk fish chhkaok and 7,000 to 12,000 riel .

Seng Bunchhoeun said While the fishy,  price of fish at the market, also fell lower,  Thus people who wish to make Prahok based Smoked allocated for next season please promptly down by location Khan Fisheries Administration prepared because in this khnaet fish may be the last from 3 to 4 days .

Fisheries Administration officials expected that freshwater fish This can be increased according Recede Reason slowly and fish quantity inspection rainy see  earlier up to about 400 heads in 1 m3 which previously have only 28 to 30 heads .

Seng Bunchhoeun added that this year as well as previous,  fisheries professional administration cooperated with  a local authority prepared for people to make Prahok based 5 places such as 
  1. At the island in phsaarochhnang, Kampong Chhnang 
  2. Prey Raing, Tek Huot Commune, Rolie Phaea District
  3. Kampong Prasat, Seb Commune, Kampong Tralach District 
  4. Taches communes, taches, Kampong Tralach District
  5. Prek Konlorng,  Kampong Tralach Kraom,  Kampong  Tralach District


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