While CPP considers January 7 is a complete control over nearly four years of Pol Pot , the Opposition Party raised that this should not celebrate yet , should remember this day as the day which Vietnam begins control Cambodia for 10 years and help to Prime Minister Hun Sen and leadership of the CPP to get power in Cambodia.
Mr Jiem Yeap said yesterday that the 35th anniversary on Tuesday will have a large from the date of the most celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2009 . he said that this celebration will shift from the central headquarters of the CPP to Diamond island in Phnom Penh and will join more people than before .
He said , " This year, the CPP will celebrate mass at the Diamond Island which is expected to have Participants " .
As always , Mr. Jiem Yeap said that this event is an opportunity to thank to Vietnam . if unarmed , Vietnamese and Including Hun Sen also really can not overthrow the forces Pol Pot .
Mr Jiem Yeap said that " if there aren't Vietnamese and their weapons, we can not be toppled Khmer Rough . We never forget the quality of the Communist Party of Vietnam who try to help us and we always commemorate this event every year . "
Mr Jiem Yeap said , adding that Samdech Heng Samrin, President of National Assembly Which together form a group of rebels who helped overthrow Pol Pot as a secession Khmer Rough , went to Vietnam And took part in the celebration of victory Jan. 7 in Hanoi on Saturday already .
Heng Samrin also met with his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Sin Hung (Nguyen Sinh Hung) and muted Tan Seng (Truong Tan Seng) President of Vietnam also , according to the state news agency pesos . Although the Cambodian People 's Party plans to make the biggest celebration this year , but it made growing consciousness against Vietnam among Cambodians Which is fueling opposition during the election year .
Opposition took illegal immigration and localted from any Vietnam Company. This campaign is strongly stay into voters mind.
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