- Job Title : Executive Director
- Closing Date : Friday 27 December 2013
- Location : Cambodia
- Time-Work :
- Starting date :
- Monthly Salary :
- Other Benefits :
- Background
- Initially established in 1996 as a project of International HIV/AIDS Alliance, KHANA operated as an NGO from 1997 and was officially registered as a local NGO in 2000. Since then it has operated as a linking organization of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and is so far a leading non-governmental organization in Cambodia that has made outstanding contributions to the HIV response. KHANA’s work has been made possible through support from USAID, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, European Union, World Food Programme and AusAID.
- Responsibilities
- The Executive Director is the chief executive officer of CDRI, accountable to its independent Board of Directors, staff, and stakeholders for all aspects of CDRI’s strategic leadership, management, financial governance and performance.
- Report Directly to:CDRI Board of Directors
- Direct Subordinates:Director of Research Director of Operations
- Working Closely with Research Programme Coordinators Operations Managers
- Vision, Mission & Strategy:
- Promote a shared vision and mission for the organisation and develop and implement strategies, goals and plans to advance that mission
- Develop and lead an effective and participatory process for strategic planning for the organisation
- Understand what must change and what must be preserved to accomplish the organisation's mission
- Understand the local context and use sound judgment to help maximise CDRI’s capacity to influence policy and maintain research integrity and quality
- Ensure political neutrality and balance in research in particular, and in CDRI's work in general
- Relationship Management and Resource Partnerships:
- Develop strategic partnerships with the government, development partners, the research community, the private sector, non-government organisations, the media and other stakeholders in Cambodia’s development
- Maintain CDRI as an active and respected research institution in nation, regional and international research networks
- Explore and establish long-term collaborative relationships with local, regional and international research institutions
- Design and implement effective resource mobilisation strategies and initiatives to ensure CDRI’s sustainability
- Ensure good relationships with clients and partners
- Take a leadership role in CDRI’s flagships events such as the annual Cambodia Outlook Conference
- Identify and secure new project/programme opportunities with clients and partners
- Relationship with CDRI Board of Directors:
- Build a strong collaborative relationship, regular consultation and information exchange with the CDRI Board
- Review and refresh Board membership to reflect CDRI’s strategic priorities
- Plan and organise effective Board of Director's meetings with timely preparation and delivery of documentation
- Promote effective Board-staff relationships and communication
- Maintains collegial working relationships with the Board and staff
- Programme and Operations Management
- Create an enabling environment which promotes commitment, creativity, quality, productivity, efficiency and integrity
- Work with the Board, senior management team and staff committees to develop appropriate policies to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of programmes
- Ensure the relevance of CDRI’s work to Cambodia’s development priorities and their broader East Asian regional integration context
- Set high standards of quality for the organisation's programmes
- Initiate new programmes and regularly review existing programmes to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness
- Promote the production and dissemination of Khmer language research and policy products in accessible forms to a broader audience
- Ensure the integrity, objectivity and political neutrality of CDRI's work
- Work with the Director of Operations and other staff to develop, maintain, and utilise CDRI systems and resources for the effective operation of the organisation
- Monitor and oversee the effective management, administration and delivery of programmes
- Ensure appropriate human resource management policies and systems
- Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements
- Develop and monitor financial strategies and plans
- Guide revenue-generating activities
- Establish a system for linking strategic and operational planning with the budgeting process
- Prepare timely financial reports and submit budgets to the Board
- Ensure a clear, transparent and accurate accounting system is functioning
- Plan for appropriate use of technology
- Generally monitor and oversee administration and operations to ensure their effectiveness
- Team Management & Development:
- Lead and build teamwork and a collegial environment
- Participate, and ensure that other CDRI staff participate, in key development working groups and consultative mechanisms
- Identify and mentor high potential senior staff, promote effective organisational behaviour and skills, and build morale among staff and volunteers.
- Ensure effective staff and partner capacity building, professional education and outreach
- Take the lead in policy development
- Organise programme and institutional evaluations at appropriate intervals, and act on recommendations
- Lead processes for institutional reflection and learning
- Document the evolution of the Institute
- Other Internal Contributions:
- Chair CDRI’s Management Committee and other specific purpose committees
- Encourage other management and staff to share initiative ideas for internal development
- Actively lead and contribute to overall CDRI development through providing feedback to CDRI management team on national, regional and international developments relevant to CDRI’s vision, mission, strategic plan and programmes
- Requirements of applicants:
- A proven track record of leadership in a senior management role with a comparable research institution including the direct leadership and supervision of management and staff, and in setting ethical and service delivery standards for the institution.
- A strong capacity and track record in resource mobilisation for institutional sustainability, partnership building and networking at national, regional and international levels, with government, the development research community, bilateral and multilateral development partners and foundations, the private sector and local and international NGOs.
- Strong personal integrity and political neutrality, with experience working in a complex political environment where constructive engagement with government, while maintaining institutional independence and credibility, is essential.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, cross-cultural sensitivity, representation and communication skills, including the proven ability to communicate deliver presentations effectively and in a range of formal and informal settings and at different levels, spoken and written Khmer language an asset.
- Post-graduate educational qualifications in one of the fields relevant to socio-economic development, natural resource management, environmental sustainability, governance and democratisation, international relations.
- A sound knowledge of Cambodia, its history, culture, polity, economy and society, development needs, and their Asian and global contexts, including major trends in Asian regional integration and cooperation and their implications for Cambodia.
- Contact details
- http://cdri.org.kh/home/359-executive-director-recruitment. Applications should address the selection criteria, nominate two referees who have a detailed familiarity with the applicant’s recent professional history, and be sent to edrecruitment@cdri.org.kh by Friday 27 December 2013. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. This is a re-advertised position. Previous applicants need not re-apply.
- CDRI's 2012 - 13 Annual Report (Khmer & English in PDF: 2,780KB)
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